You can pay us through any of the following methods

Bank transfer (highly recommended for big amount of money)

You can transfer the money to the authorized accounts as followings:
Account name: Do Son Ha
Account address: Duyen Thai, Thuong Tin, Hanoi
VND account number: 0011001738470
USD account number: 0011373586820
EURO account number: 1043494594
AUD account number: 1043494650
CAD account number: 1043494218
Bank name: Join stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (VIETCOMBANK)
Bank address: 31 – 33 Ngo Quyen Str, Hanoi, Vietnam
Bank SWIFT code: BFTVVNVX001

Credit cards by secure online payment gateway

1. Online OnePay payment gateway (highly recommended for small amount of money)
We connect with the OnePay Payment Gateway, one of Vietnam’s payment gateways (, to accept Online Payment by most major debit and credit Cards.
Represents MasterCard to provide online payment solution to the enterprises in Vietnam, OnePAY payment portal meets standards of international financial system such as PCI DSS of PCI Security Standards Council, 3D-Secure of Visa, MasterCard and JCB. Your card information will be processed by advanced security system and not stored at our database (merchant).
a. Additional charge is applied by this. The fee will be added when you settle the payment.
b. Booker must be the card owner. We would require you to provide us copied of your Passport and credit card.
2. Paypal (recommended for urgent booking with payment of less than $300)
If you worry to send your credit card information to the merchants, PayPal would be the best choice as:
You can use your credit card online without exposing your card number to the merchants.
You can speed through checkout. No need to enter your card No or address!
You can safely and easily send the money to merchant’s verified account:

  • Due to the High charge of Paypal (4% for transfer fee + 4% for exchange fee), payment by this method is limited for amount of under $300 unless you agree to cover all the charges by Paypal.
  • Please ensure that you have read our terms and conditions carefully or/and consult the sale manager before settling the payment.

MoneyGram and Western Union Service and Moneygram (highly recommended for big amount of money)

MoneyGramand Western Union Service are relatively safe and fast. So they are highly recommended for all bookings. No other but only Mr. Do Son Ha is authorized to receive the money using above methods.
Hereunder is the details of the authorized recipient:
Full name: Do Son Ha
Address: Duyen Thai, Thuong Tin, Hanoi
ID: 001081002085
Mobile: 84 904966994
Note*: following information is needed to withdraw the money once it has been sent:
– MTCN (money transfer control number): 8 and 10 digits for Money Grand and Western Union respectively.
– Secret words (if any)
– Country where money has been sent
– Name of the sender
– Amount of money